Who we are

One of the main factors for the success of any initiative, organisation or project is related to the teams that operationalize it.

Below is the organizational chart of the Mangualde STEM Academy, after the pilot in 2018, as well as the various teams involved in the development of the project.

Organograma da Academi@ STEM Mangualde


Coordination Team

The Coordination team decides on the strategic lines of the Mangualde STEM Academy and approves its plan of activities. It also decides on the school organization necessary for the development of the Academy's activity and the integration of partners, such as from the local business fabric, higher education institutions, as well as the hiring of staff, the target audience, the acquisition of technological resources essential to support new teaching methodologies, among other relevant aspects.

Goreti Tavares
Goreti Tavares
Ex-subdiretora do Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde - membro da equipa entre 2021 e 2023
José Martins
José Martins
Coordenador do Ensino Secundário Recorrente a Distância do Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde
Isabel Serra
Isabel Serra
Diretora do Centro de Formação EduFor - membro da equipa a partir de 2022
Fernando Espinha
Fernando Espinha
Ex-Subdiretor do Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde - membro da equipa entre 2018-2021
Joaquim Loureiro
Joaquim Loureiro
Diretor do Agrupamento de Escola de Mangualde - membro da equipa a partir de 2023
Rui Costa
Rui Costa
Vereador da Educação da Câmara Municipal de Mangualde
José Miguel Sousa
José Miguel Sousa
Ex-Diretor do Centro de Formação EduFor - membro da equipa entre 2018-2022

Pedagogical Innovation Team

It is believed that the constitution of the Pedagogical Innovation Team (EPI) represents a key factor for the vitality and sustainability of the Academy. This team was initially made up of two sub-teams: the STEM Educational Team (EE-STEM), made up of school teachers, and the Technical and Scientific Support Team (EATC).

Technical and Scientific Support Team

This team, which works with the school's internal team, has a postgraduate profile (master's or doctorate) in the area of education, especially in curriculum development, with skills in the use of educational technology, in the creation of innovative learning environments and the professional development of teachers. In addition, they demonstrate good communication skills, team spirit, project management and problem-solving skills. Thus, the EATC is made up of elements external to the school, with an office at the school's headquarters, which is essential to integrate into the school community and thus facilitate contact with EE-STEM and support for carrying out STEM activities.

João Fernandes
João Fernandes
Consultor externo
Ângelo Fernandes
Ângelo Fernandes
Consultor interno
Fátima Costa
Fátima Costa
Técnica Superior do Gabinete de Educação da Câmara Municipal de Mangualde
Fábio Ribeiro
Fábio Ribeiro
Coordenação da Academia STEM de Mangualde
Didier Dias
Didier Dias
Apoio Técnico e Comunicação da Academia STEM Mangualde

STEM Educational Team

It is crucial that the EE-STEM elements have an adequate profile: they are used to developing teaching practices that are more student-focused, using technologies; they are receptive and have a spirit of openness to learning; they demonstrate collaborative skills; and they promote innovative curriculum development and, at the same time, they value interdisciplinary teaching, through the development of activities that integrate learning from different subjects, emphasising the formative assessment of students.

Margarida Cardoso
Professora de Ciências Naturais (3.º Ciclo)
Lurdes Pais
Professora de Ciências Naturais (3.º Ciclo)
Catarina Machado
Professora de Físico-Química (3.º Ciclo)
Ana Cabral
Professora de Ciências Naturais e Matemática (2.º Ciclo)
Rui Duarte
Professor de TIC (apoio)
Alice Pinharanda
Coordenadora do departamento do 1.º Ciclo (apoio)
Ilda Santos
Professora do 1.º Ciclo (apoio)
Fernanda Almeida
Professora de Matemática (3.º Ciclo)
Sandra Pina
Professora de Matemática (3.º Ciclo)
STEM Mentoring Team

The inclusion of new teachers in the EE-STEM made it necessary, in the second year of the project, to create the STEM Tutoring Team (ET-STEM), composed of teachers from the EE-STEM in the previous academic year. They support new colleagues in planning activities (already carried out or new) and in reflecting on them. It is important to point out that the tutorials aim to guarantee to new teachers a better appropriation and adequacy of the teaching and learning strategies that the developed STEM activities imply.

Filomena Monteiro
Filomena Monteiro
Professora de Físico-Química (3.º Ciclo)
Luísa Figueiredo
Luísa Figueiredo
Professora Titular (1.º Ciclo)
Paula Loureiro
Paula Loureiro
Professora de Ciências Naturais (3.º Ciclo)
Renato Castro
Renato Castro
Professor de Ciências Naturais e Matemática (2.º Ciclo) - membro da equipa a partir de 2021
Catarina Machado
Catarina Machado
Professora de Físico-Química (3.º Ciclo) - membro da equipa a partir de 2022
Fátima Pinto
Fátima Pinto
Professora de Ciências Naturais e Matemática (2.º Ciclo) - membro da equipa entre 2018 e 2021
Cristina Ligeiro
Cristina Ligeiro
Professora de Matemática (3.º Ciclo)


Direção-Geral de Educação
Logótipo de  Direção-Geral de Educação

Academi@ STEM Mangualde also had the contributions of entities and individuals who collaborated in various initiatives, namely the Palácio dos Condes de Anadia (Mangualde), the Alcafache Termas, COOPBEI, GNR de Mangualde, Associação Atractor, Sci&Math Creative Lab of ESE/ IPSantarém, the EduPARK project team (University of Aveiro team), astronomer José Augusto Matos, biologist Rosa Pinho (University of Aveiro), Paulo Torcato (Coordinator of the ”aTTitude3D” project), Isabel Serra (EduFor Training Center), Ana Mouraz (Assistant Professor at Universidade Aberta) among others.